Neon Demon is a first-person shooter based in a futuristic science-fiction city. The game follows Duane, a disreputable guy that has witnessed that the corporation he is working for is in collusion with hell to harvest souls in order to merge hell with their world. The corporation kills him for discovering their true intentions and disposes of his body in hell.
In hell, the player is re-built and befriended by a floating demon skull named Belial, who enhances the player character with cybernetic improvements so that he can return to earth and seek revenge on those who wronged him.
Equipped with new hellish abilities and cybernetic enhancements, the player fights enemies and kills bosses to progress. As the player uses their abilities more and more, hell begins to bleed over into the normal world – billboards begin advertising hell, demons wander the streets etc.
The game features stylish environments, explorable with a variety of available abilities. Belial is somewhat of the player’s trusty sidekick, being a source of comic relief and the main source of story exposition to the player.