Semester 2: Week 2

This week the team continued to work on the first level of the game.  A new revolver was made for the player, with a more occult demon aesthetic. The second level of the game, set in Syn City, was white-boxed and designed. 

Further alterations were made to the first level, making it very clear to the player where they have to traverse through the level. The mortar enemies shooting pattern was coded as well as its first initial design. UI was also updated, making it more concise and readable to the player. Terrane was added to the first level to fill out blank areas as well as add height to the level.  Lines of dialogue were recorded for both Duane and Belial, with the script for the first level going through several rewrites after the vertical slice. 

The team wants to focus their attention on the second level for next week, as the Alphas deadline is the 28th.

Get Neon Demon

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